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Master Class Academy

MasterClass Academy - 48 courses in lesson format. Access all the knowledge in one place.

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As part of our 12-month online academy, you also have the option to take advantage of the following:

Generation of a Certificate upon Completion of Lessons15 $
First and second attempts at the final exam0 $
Additional attempts at the makeup exam49 $

Access to Lessons Beyond 12 Months

Educational materials are regularly updated to include new developments and changes in the industry. If you wish to have continuous access to our accumulated knowledge even after completing the 12-month course, we offer the following plans:

 Online Courses and Packages

Earn certificates and a diploma!

After each online beauty course, you can test your acquired knowledge with a quiz and instantly generate a certificate.

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Who are ONLINE beauty courses for?

With online courses, you learn at your own pace. The results you achieve stay with you forever. Every new skill is a step towards independence. The future is a decision you make for yourself – here and now.

Who are ONLINE beauty courses for?
Who are ONLINE beauty courses for?

The MasterClass Academy Program

MasterClass Academy - 48 courses in lesson format. Access all the knowledge in one place.

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The MasterClass Academy Program
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